I know, I know...
Two days too late, you say.
Well, as my father would inappropriately say: "Go suck rocks."
Just so you are all aware: I just had to go look up "Inappropriately" up in my dictionary, cuz I really thought it had two N's, instead of two P's... sheesh. So I cannot be credited with the spelling of that word. Though I would like to be.
So: A new year. Thoughts? Meanderings? Quips?
I would like to say only a few things (however typcially a few things, take a reasonable amount of time... so we'll see how THIS goes...)
Yes: I made resolutions. I am getting married. I am going to have sex (after I am married!). I am going to lose weight. I am going to do my devotions. I am going to do devotions and pray more with Adrian.
I think those were the things.
Typical? Probably. But for me: ridiculously personal. Adrian: I am so sorry I reminded the "world" (by world I mean my small world...) that one day, we will be having sex... but WHY hide from it? This is highly unprofessional, and most likely embarrassing, but I have rarely been one to think too much before I speak/write... so I obviously wont start now. It wasn't a resolution anyways. And isn't that what everyone LOVES about me...? Except a few select family members possibly... heh heh...
Will I follow through on those resolutions? Some of them: Quite obviously. In fact most of them are 'resolutions' cuz I KNEW they would be happening... tee hee hee... not because I think they SHOULD happen, or would like to "work on" making them happen. I cheat. I know.
But the resolutions that are in my own hands? That require self discipline, and potentially restraint? Well: We'll see how my heart and will hold up... I am praying that the Good Lord gives me more will power than I typically own... But I can't just "put" this on my dear Saviour either... right? Oh Abba... because he also wants me to take ownership of my decisions... he wants me to be responsible, and develop characteristics that honor him...
So to close today, I will remark on the first fragments of wedding plans that I have begun... Jodi Epp (my lovely roomate) has begun to help me sort through a guest list... OH MY WORD!!!! So to those of you who have done this before: KUDOS TO YOU!!! Because this is going to be the hard stuff. The tough crap.
I am not excited about working my way through this sucker... cuz man: I want EVERYONE AT MY WEDDING!!!! But as I discovered yesterday: this will not be possible.
I don't think they have a tent big enough...
So I will keep you posted on the stressful workings of my wedding plans...
Hope to go dress shopping soon... which could potentially be AMAZING, and also be very depressing... so may I go with the best intentions, and love for my self... and leave with a strong optimism, and that same dignity and self-confidence that I started my day with...
Well: have a wonderful day everyone! May Jesus be smiling on all of us!