And this blog entry was LONG! And funny! (Because we all know how ridiculously funny I truly am!)
So this is all I will write today. For fear of "wasting time" when I should be working, and due to sincere frustration, which would only increase, were I to attempt to rewrite everything I had already written...
everyone now: "Grrrr......"
right, I just remembered one extremely important piece of information, that I need to share with you before I log of...
it's Christmas at Starbucks!!! true story!
You know why I know? Because they have EGGNOG!!!!
Oh Eggnog... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
So if you guys love eggnog, go down and get one steamed... or get an eggnog latte... YUM! I bought some at the grocery store, cuz I LOVE it in my coffee, in place of cream. YUM! So in remembrance of that fact, as I sit here and drink my coffee and eggnog... I will decide that my internet explorer shutting down on me isn't that bad, and that due to the delightful presence of Eggnog, and some fantastic muffins I made yesterday... life is significantly better than I let on a few moments ago.
Cheers! (my cup is in the air... ) And have a wonderful day... or at least MAKE it wonderful!
Wow, another update. Should I expect one once a month?
Hmm, I will truely have to try the eggnog as cream idea! Sounds amazing, and much cheaper than a real eggnog latte, which I couldn't get right now anyways, since I live in Sundre, but soon I'll live where Starbucks exists... Uh oh!
So sorry about your blog entry that disapeared. I know the feeling!!!!
I hear you on the eggnog in place of cream. I'll be honest. I've had some in my fridge for a number of weeks now. And did in fact quote the same phrase when it came back in the middle of October: "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."
Good to hear from you...
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