Sunday, October 08, 2006


So - here it is. The Long Awaited, blog entry!!!
Wedding pics included!!!! Look at us, all happy, and MARRIED!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!
I would like to say a few things:
1. the wedding was fantastic, but marriage is even better.
2. my apartment is MUCH better with Adrian in it.
3. Cuba is one of the hottest places I think I have ever been!
I am not going to say too much else. Time will not permit it, but I will make a subtle (but not nearly strong enough) effort to write more at another time. Keep you up to date... Oh, and the "inappropriate topic" that I wont mention - well... I'll just say refer to #2 on the list above. and sort of #3 too... he he...
I don't know if ANYONE will read this, as I have been inactively blogging for about THREE MONTHS!!! I am so sorry - and I will try to be better, but I have just fallen off the blogging earth!
blessings friends...
maria jane enns (ENNS!!!! woo hoo!!!)
ps: aren't I pretty!?!?!


Lori said...

Yay for a blog entry!!
I've been faithfully going to your site occasionally so I can see the latest entry, and was so suprised to actually have one today!!! Yay! Yes, you are gorgeous, and it was a gorgeous day and a wonderful occasion, and I'm so glad you're enjoying being married!!!
Love you

Tricia said...

Finally! Congrats Maria.

Laura said...

you ARE pretty! :) :)

tamara noelle said...

Wow, you're a gorgeous bride, Maria, I love the pic with you and flowers. Beautiful! Congrats and may you have a wonderful, God-filled marriage. Please keep the blogging up (as you can) ;)

Courtney said...


You are a gorgeous beaming bride and I know Adrian must be loving married life with you! :) We can't wait to come for a visit sometime!


Tricia said...

Well at least you updated once.

Anonymous said...

Finally go a chance to look at the photos - amazing - love your flowers, your dress - and you both are so stunningly beautiful. Way to go Maria !
Health and Happiness, love Estee