Friday, July 21, 2006


Yes. We all have them.
I am feeling emotionally quirky today. Which is fine.
Unmotivated (once again) to work, because I am so focused on a week from today, when I leave this office for ONE WHOLE MONTH in order to focus on my pending wedding, and then my future AMAZING life with the man of my dreams. *sigh* does anyone other than me, realize that this is THREE WEEKS AWAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!
though life isn't perfect, and in no way is my happiness pending on Adrian.
I try not to let it. hm.
It takes the greatest strength, to be able to put Adrian in the row BEHIND God. In the "backseat" - in order to bring him the MOST I have to bring it all to God FIRST.
you all know what I am saying.
anyhow. that's just a thought. was reading similar thoughts on another blog. thought I would add my two cents. for my own benefit (?).

quote of my week: "ai yai yai!"
I think in almost every email I have written, it has included that. exclamation. that and: "sweeeet".

more about the quirks - you see I feel unusually jittery.
Like tears could come at any second.
And yet I also have to use the facilites in a bad way, so maybe it's just the pressure on my bladder.

I hate how much I long to be loved. How the threat of someone "not loving" me, makes my stomach turn, and my world tip slightly to the left... so my perspective becomes hazy, and suddenly anything anyone says has a double meaning, and my soul feels threatened. My weaknesses are there for the world to criticize, and I am trying to stay humble yet confident - so I am bouncing back and forth between picking at my faults and flaws, and reminding myself that it's alright... that I'm working on them... that I'm not perfect.... and that I have great strengths too! "But Maria - that doesn't mean you can excuse your lack of __________ [fill in blank]" - you know? the circle? that doesn't end?

Who am I talking to anyways? Who is it?

Anyhow. Even an optimist has questionable days, correct? I know it.
However - the extra ridiculous thing, is that I have this component, this ability, to publish my "post" - and as I stand up, and walk over to the bathroom, I'll joke around with Heidi (who lives in the office next to me... hehe) and laugh loudly, and feel content with life again.

I think that I can change my emotional state, faster, and easier than most. It's almost inhuman, actually. I can mentally switch gears, and gain perspective! weird.

I am going to finish. Just there. Just so.
I would LOVE to have a clean apartment, with no clutter - with the perfect organizational tools - so that everything I have would be stored ideally, and I would know EXACTLY where it all belonged, and went, the moment I purchased it, or recieved it, or re-discovered it.
Because right now, I have a lot of work to do in that category. The irony? I LOVE organizing. I just need a day. one day.


I don't think I EVER finish when I plan on finishing. (re:the last paragraph I wrote. please re-read the first sentence.)


DAve and JAnie said...

Oh maria dear! You write from your heart!
wow, 3 weeks! how super de-duper wonderful. i am taking a minute to try and remember that feeling... ahhhh, delightful. i was just looking at pictures from my first year of marriage and remembering some great moments, silly moments, frusterating moments, unforgetable moments, sad moments... there are so many new experiences ahead of you that God will use to shape you just as he wills!
On tuesday i made my way down to the side walk, set the stroller up, and was planning on coming to visit YOU to chat and say hello, but it started to rain. Booo... i am going to try again this week because i would love to see you in person!
We have had our living room in a better layout for quite awhile now, and i found some great books from the library that helped me. There really are some good, newer ones there. Check them out (no pun intended!). I hope above all you have fun playing with your space.
Take it easy.
much love,

Lori said...

You write to eloquently Maria. Not like old stuffy english teacher eloquently, but you know how to get your thoughts across using descriptive words and phrases. And my thoughts on your thoughts are "how amazing! i'm not the only one!!!" The whole endless circle of picking at faults and also realizing I have gifts and trying to somehow not only dwell on one at a time. Balance. Isn't that the theme of your blog? The Balance Beam. Sigh. How do we do it?

Tricia said...

I realize it's three weeks away! Because it's the same day I start orientation in Pennsylvania, one full week before I leave the continent for a year... Best of luck Maria! Much love.

Lori said...

where are you going Tricia?
love ya!
Oh, I bet I can find your blog and find out!

bre said...

dearest maria.

can i tell you how great you are? thanks for blessing me so randomly and so honestly and so sincerely. you are definitly one of my most favorite people in this entire world, and i thank you muchly for your friendship.
you are stellar. thanks for being you.

Tricia said...

Hey Lori,

If you haven't made it to my blog I'm going to Hong Kong for six months and then Vietnam for 6 months. It's through MCC and I'm working with a human rights organization.

Hope the wedding plans are going well Maria.

Laura said...

Your wedding is coming up so soon! My thoughts are with you as of now, hoping everything is smooth-ish sailing and that you are able to be totally thrilled by the thought of being married to Adrian instead of mainly feeling the stress of sorting through details.

We're all celebrating with you!!

Tricia said...

I want a post-wedding update!