Thursday, July 13, 2006


30 Days Left

Hey dudes - So there is now only 30 days...
ONE MONTH basically. How intense is that...? Well - fairly intense! I feel - good. Calm. Ready.
I cleaned the apartment last night. Anyone live in Winnipeg? Well then - you KNOW that it is ridiculously hot and muggy lately... last night was NO exception. It was CRAZY! I was dripping, and sticky, and crazy, as I tidied up, dusted and vacuumed, and did dishes... AI YAI YAI!!!!!

But it was worth it!
Adrian and I purchased a beautiful big queen size bed, with a frame (a sleigh bed) - and it is so pretty! It looks super good in the master bedroom... we love it! Our new sheets and quilt look good too! he he... So it's fun to continue to really develop what your new home together looks like. I had been trying to put some of it off - cuz I knew that it would change when Adrian got there... but now - with one month left... I am starting to organize... and do away with things that are useless.... etc!

It's crazy! But so fun. So organization was also the name of the game yesterday (something I love when I have time! Believe it or not!) and also watching a few episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond - which I have just fallen in LOVE with! Deborah has GOT to be the BEST TV mom EVER!!!! She's so great. I love it. And they are all EQUALLY funny! You know on some shows you think to yourself: "Aw, it's too bad 'so and so' isn't as funny as 'so and so'..." well - on ELR - THEY ARE ALL HILARIOUS! EQUALLY!

oh the capitals. they have to come out. they do!


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